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EJK Tuning Fuel Controller


Two companies to be aware of in the EFI controller market
MT Pockets Performance VS DynoJet
and then everyone else.

MT Pockets Performance Manufactured
DynoJet Products
  • EJK Controller
  • TFI (DFO)
  • HMF Optimizer
  • Arlen Ness Big Shot
  • Two Brothers Juice Box
  • Wiseco Fuel Management Controller
  • and many more private labels
  • PC 3 - Power Commander III
  • PC 5 - Power Commander V
  • DynaTek

Three key differences between MT Pockets and DynoJet Products:
  1. Load Based vs Alpha-N Tuning
    Alpha-N Tuning takes into account Throttle Position (TPS) and RPM to construct a grid to fill in fuel values. Load Based Tuning takes into account RATE, TPS and RPM to construct three main zones for fuel adjustment. Most of the controllers on the market use Alpha-N Tuning because it is the easiest way to make calculations. Load Based Tuning takes more advanced calculations and breaks a drive cycle down into easy to understand zones to allow for quicker and more precise adjustments. View More Info Here

  2. 'On-the-fly' Adjusting vs Computer Downloaded Maps
    Be careful how you interpret 'on-the-fly' tuning because a number of products like to claim this ability. MT Pockets products all have true 'on-the-fly' tuning. You can make fuel adjustments in your garage, in your buddy's garage, on the side of the road and even (be careful) while driving the vehicle. The tuning changes are made instantaneously!! Some DynoJet products have limited 'on-the-fly' tuning, but not to the same degree. The Power Commander products and other manufacturer products rely heavily on a map database where you download the closest map to your modifications from their website and then program the unit with your computer. Available PC software like DynoJet's WinPep also allows you to customize the map before programming the unit. The latest MT Pockets products do also have this ability.

  3. Cost
    MT Pockets products generally cost around $225 to $300. DynoJet's premier product the PC 5 costs $360.

EJK - GEN 3 / GEN 3.5
EJK Controller

Juice Box  Wiseco Fuel Controller
Manufacturer: MT Pockets Performance
Website: www.ElectronicJetKit.com
Location: Belgrade, Montana

Comments: The EJK controller can come in both the GEN 3 and GEN 3.5 controllers manufactured by MT Pockets Performance.

Similarities to other GEN 3 and GEN 3.5 controllers:
  • Advanced Load Based Tuning
  • Installation and Adjustment

Differences to other GEN 3 and GEN 3.5 controllers:
  • Key difference is the setup or call it a map programmed into the controller. What makes a MT Pockets manufactured controller unique is the setup created by the companies.


DFO  Wild Things
Company:MT Pockets Performance
Website: www.TFIcontrollers.com
Location: Belgrade, Montana

Comments: The TFI was a great product, but has slowly become outdated to interface with some of the new fuel injection systems.

Similarities to EJK:
  • Load Based Tuning
  • Carberator related adjusting zones: cruise, acceleration, and full throttle

Differences to EJK:
  • Uses load based tuning, but the original version which has been advanced in the EJK controllers
  • Adjusts using a screwdriver to turn 4 pots to different clock positions

Power Commander V (PC 5)
Power Commander V Company: DynoJet
Website: www.powercommander.com
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

Comments: The PC 5 is one of the best products on the market for advanced users seeking complete control over every point within a vehicle's drive cycle. Allows the ability to have a different map for every gear. Also allows for a number of accessory gadgets to be purchased. The major drawback is the time and cost to get the controller setup correctly which still does not significantly outperform the EJK controllers if at all. Recommended to purchase for users who will pay an extra $100 or more for the possibility of maybe 1 more horsepower.

Similarities to EJK:
  • Piggy-Back EFI controller. Installations are pretty close to the same.

Differences to EJK:
  • Uses Alpha-N Tuning (RPM vs TPS)
  • Requires a dyno to create a tune-up and computer software

Power Commander III (PC 3)
Power Commander 3 Company: DynoJet
Website: www.powercommander.com
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

Comments: The PC 3 was the quick solution to try and tune an EFI vehicle. The PC 3 uses a grid of fuel percentage adjustments based on RPM and throttle position. Tune ups using the PC 3 are normally only optimized for 4th gear. EJK controllers can continually outperform PC 3 setups.

Similarities to EJK:
  • Piggy-Back EFI controller. Installations are pretty close to the same.

Differences to EJK:
  • Uses Alpha-N Tuning (RPM vs TPS)
  • Requires a dyno to create a tune-up and computer software
  • EJK controllers perform better through the entire gear range where the PC 3 is optimized for only one gear.

DynaTek Company: DynaTek
Website: www.dynaonline.com
Location: Glendora, California

Comments: The DynaTek controller is the low-cost solution to the Power Commander 3. The DynaTek uses a grid of fuel percentage adjustments based on RPM and throttle position. EJK controllers can continually outperform DynaTek setups. Recommended for users who just want the ability to play with computer software at a better price point than the Power Commanders.

Similarities to EJK:
  • Piggy-Back EFI controller. Installations are pretty close to the same.

Differences to EJK:
  • Uses Alpha-N Tuning
  • Users allowed to reprogram unit via computer software and is compatible with PC3 maps.

Other controllers on the market:

Cobra Fi2000R
Cobra FI2000R Company: Cobra Engineering
Website: www.cobrausa.com
Location: Yorba Linda, California

Comments: The Cobra Fi2000R is fairly similar to the TFI which makes sense since the manufacturing companies can be traced back to have originally worked together. Good low-cost solution for older vehicles, but not advanced enough for newer models

Similarities to EJK:
  • Piggy-Back EFI controller. Installations are pretty close to the same.

Differences to EJK:
  • Uses pots which adjust with a screwdriver compared to the EJK controllers which use push buttons to have more precise settings.
  • Primarily only used for Cruiser and Harley motorcycles. EJK covers the entire power sports line.

Bazzaz Z FI
Bazzaz Company: Bazzaz
Website: www.bazzaz.net
Location: Chino Hills, California

Comments: The Bazzaz Z FI fuel controller is similar to the DynoJet controllers. Controller uses Alpha-N tuning and customers use computer software to program in different maps.

Similarities to EJK:
  • Piggy-Back EFI controller.

Differences to EJK:
  • Fuel maps can not be changed unless attached to your computer.
  • Primarily only used for sport bikes. EJK covers the entire power sports line.

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